On Thursday morning T-Mobile together with a foundation named Ekopolis introduced the new interesting three-wheel cycle which will be around for tourists in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. On this occasion, the Slovak international and Glasgow Rangers player was asked to launch this product at a press conference in the shopping centre Aupark in Bratislava.
The conference started around 11am in the Robinson restaurant and Filip Sebo with his media manager Michal Matejovic and T-Mobile PR manager Miriam Kusnirova were there to see the first five “trixi mobiles” to be presented.
They will be in action daily on 5 specific routes within the city centre from April until October. Each bike will have a driver and has a capacity for 2 other persons.
The speed of this new ecological transportation innovation is around 20 miles per hour and weighs 155 kg.
“It is my pleasure to be a part of this interesting and innovative ecological project. It will not be easy for the drivers to cycle around with this weight all day long. As a sportsman I know very well what it takes to work hard on a bicycle in my club´s fitness centre (smile). I have seen this three-wheel bike in many other cities around the world and I am glad the idea has come to my city as well,” Filip revealed shortly after the conference.